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Garth Hill College


GHXtra App: Use this link to enter your evidence.


The GH Xtra initiative is based upon implicitly and explicitly developing personal skills of pupils at Garth Hill College through the informal, formal and extra-curriculum opportunities.

Giving pupils the X factor that will give them the experience to be a step ahead of their peers.

The personal skills identified below have been recognised as common and key qualities that employers are looking for. The skills are broad in nature but will typically fall into one of the following categories in the STEP acronym.

  • Self-confidence (self-reliance/self-resilience)
  • Teamwork (communication/honesty/leadership)
  • Enterprise (eagerness to learn/problem solving/ambition)
  • Perseverance (adaptable/work ethic/determination/tenacity)



A pupil’s ‘Xtra step’ portfolio is evidenced by the completion of the activity and evaluation of one’s performance.

The ‘Xtra step’ application works efficiently on both desktop and mobile devices. Access is via MS Teams using ones existing GHC network information.



The GH Xtra will be recognised at three different levels.



Duration (Total)



Step One

Self (1-2 people)

1-6 hours

Taking Part


Step Up

Small Group (below 30)

6-12 hours

Helping to lead


Step Ahead

Large Group 30+

12 or more hours




 Step One

  • Taking part in a class presentation
  • Being a member of a group or club in or out of school (e.g. Art club / Scouts / Sports club, etc)
  • Participating in pupil voice
  • Read for up to 6 hours to develop oracy
  • Create a nutritionally balanced meal plan for yourself for the week
  • Complete up to hours of reflection on my own development towards the GHCExtraStep programme.


Step Up

  • Presenting with a group to over 30-60 people
  • Regular leadership role in a group or club in or outside of school (e.g. Art club / Scouts / Sports club, etc)
  • Pupils as learning partners
  • Support the reading of another pupil for at least 6 hours to develop their oracy
  • Create a nutritionally balanced meal plan for your family for the week, including budget costs
  • Champion the GHC Extra Step programme through assembly presentations


Step Ahead

  • Presenting to an audience of over 60 people on a topic to lead change
  • Regular leadership responsibility for leading and communication of school council / local team
  • Take a lead role within one of the college councils for a term or more
  • Take a lead role in the library supporting others to regularly read for pleasure
  • Organise and deliver training to support parents to plan, cost and cook nutritionally balanced meal plans
  • Work with SLT to strategically lead the development and implementation of GHC Extra Step programme


Completion of a prior level is not needed. Pupil's complete activities and collate evidence for their portfolio but can be ambitious from day one. In each level activities get increasingly difficult.  

Whilst pupils can complete ‘step’ activities outside of college, our ambition is to be creating extensive opportunities within the GHC community, this is to support our mission to enhance the College, allow pupils to develop friendships and feel part of the wider college life.    

The Xtra will recognise the extra-curricular opportunities we already accommodate (i.e., after school clubs) as well as the bespoke College events we traditionally facilitate, such as:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11 + 6th form


STEM day

Army Day

Work Experience

World Challenge Trip

First Aid training

Learning to Work workshop

DofE Bronze

DofE Silver


Uni application