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Garth Hill College

Restaurant & Menu

About Your Catering Service

The catering service at Garth Hill College is provided by Harrison Catering Services, an independent, family-owned company founded in 1994.

The Harrison proposition is centred around the on-site preparation and cooking of top quality meals made with fresh ingredients. Over 100 clients across the UK enjoy a Harrison food service, with more than 100,000 meals being served each day by approximately 2,000 staff across more than 270 locations.

Spring Term Menu 2025

Spring Menu 2025 - Week 1

7-10 January 2025, 27-31 January 2025, 24-28 February 2025, 17-21 March 2025.

Spring Menu 2025 - Week 2

13-17 January 2025, 3-7 February 2025, 3-7 March 2025, 24-28 March 2025.

Spring Menu 2025 - Week 3

20-24 January 2025, 10-14 February 2025, 10-14 March 2025, 31 March-4 April 2025.


Working in Partnership with Garth Hill College

Our catering team works with the school to tailor menus to the tastes and preferences of the pupils. We introduce further interest and excitement to our menus through themed lunches ranging from holidays like Easter and Christmas to cuisines from around the world. Whenever possible, we link our menus to the school’s curriculum and activities to further reinforce the importance of eating a balanced diet of nutritious food.

Providing Healthy School Meals

Harrison understands that what Children eat affects their health and their ability to learn and perform in the classroom. Our goal is to instill a love and understanding of fresh, healthy food at a young age that will positively influence them throughout life.

If you are interested in learning more about the Harrison family, please visit our website  at www.harrisoncatering.co.uk or contact the human resources department at our Thame office on 01844 216777.

Harrison Update -The Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019

Harrison Catering Services has always been committed to protecting the health and welfare of our clients and customers by ensuring we have effective robust food allergy processes and procedures in place. As a result, we have always been fully prepared to adapt to any changes in the legislation.

In 2014, The Food Information Regulations required companies to provide accurate information to their clients and customers, when requested, in relation to the presence of any of the 14 common food allergens (celery, cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, lupin, milk, molluscs, mustard, nuts, peanuts, sesame, soybeans, sulphur dioxide), in the food being served over the counter or within their display equipment.

This year, we see the introduction of The Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019 which come into force on 1st October 2021, often referenced as Natasha's Law. This relates to food which is pre-packed for direct sale (PPDS).


Any families who believe they may be entitled to benefits-related free school meals, please apply online at the following link: https://www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/schools/free-school-meals.

Natasha's Law

Under the new law, foods are classified as Pre-Packed for Direct Sale (PPDS) when it:

  • is presented to the consumer in packaging
  • is packaged before the consumer selects it is packaged at the same place where it is sold
  • is either fully or partly enclosed by the packaging
  • the food cannot be altered without opening or changing the packaging
  • the food is ready for sale to the final consumer

This law will require all food which is pre-packed for direct sale or service (PPDS), to be labelled with a full list of ingredients. Allergenic ingredients must be emphasized in some way every time they appear in the ingredients list. Harrison Catering Services have decided that the best method is to use bold print.

The Food Standards Agency has produced additional guidance. The decision whether a food is classified as (PPDS) depends on when and where it is packed in relation to the point at which it is offered for sale.

Alter reviewing our service offering, we can confirm the new law will apply to the following Harrison products. These items are packaged in either a sandwich wedge, sealed paper bag, sealed paper wrapping, salad box or a disposable pot with a fitted lid, and therefore will require allergenic ingredients listed on each.

Sandwiches Baguettes Wraps/Filled rolls

  • Salad boxes
  • Hot pots with lids (pasta, chicken wings, jacket wedges etc)
  • Fruit/Dessert pots with lids
  • Home baked cakes and pastries or par-baked frozen items finished in the kitchen such as: Flapjack, Muffins, Brownies, Danish pastries and Croissants

However, the new law does not apply to any food items which are placed on the servery counter ready for the customer to select. These items may be served on a china dish, plate, napkin which is not covered or a disposable pot which is not fitted with a lid. The new law also does not apply to any food item which is selected by the customer and we place the food item in packaging after the customer has made their choice. In both instances, the existing legislation continues to apply and the Company policy is to display notices reminding customers to ask for allergy information before they decide on their food selection and to provide this information orally directly to the customer.

Any food in packaging which allows the food to be altered without opening the packaging is exempt from the new requirements and does not require a label with a lull list of ingredients showing allergenic ingredients in bold print. Food which is pre-ordered is also exempt, for example, if a customer pre­orders a packed lunch which is made to order and prepared specifically for them, it will not require a label.

The FSA also reference "It is expected that the customer is able to speak with the person who made or packed the product to ask about ingredients. Therefore, should anyone be unsure, they must speak with a member of our team.

As a fresh food catering provider, we have been working closely with Trading Standards, legal experts and industry representatives, to ensure that we are fully informed and are following the correct government guidance to make the necessary changes to our catering service.

To support and implement these new guidelines, we will be updating our comprehensive Label Logic Software. All our teams who are involved with food labelling and delivery, will be fully trained on the new requirements through our cluster workshops and bespoke training courses.

To date, we have conducted a soft rollout of our updated allergen process at a number of our establishments that serve (PPDS) food. This has given us the opportunity to overcome any challenges and establish practical solutions to ensure we are fully compliant when the law comes into force.

We are confident our timely review of our existing processes will enable us to continue to deliver the best experience for our customers and minimise any operational impacts through this transitional phase.

We would like to assure all our clients that we are continuing to monitor any further updates on this new legislation and will adapt our processes to support the needs of our clients and customers

If you have any further questions regarding food labelling for PPDS, please contact your Manager Client Services. You can also visit the FSA website for more information.




Thame Office
Oxford House
Oxford Road
Thame OX9 2AH
T: 01844 216777
F: 01844 217333

Facility Services at Garth Hill College have been awarded 5 stars in the council's Scores on the Doors Award Scheme