Uniform and Presentation
We would like to thank every parent and carer for supporting the College on the issue of uniform. The vast majority of pupils respond well to our code of dress and presentation.
Parents/ Carers are advised that where a pupil fails to comply with the College’s uniform and presentation code, uniform detentions will be set. Additionally, the College reserves the right to either isolate or send home a pupil whose dress and presentation is completely unacceptable. In this instance, parents/carers will be contacted in advance.
In line with the College’s Behaviour Policy, the uniform and presentation code applies when pupils are en-route to and from College or when representing the College at any other time. If in doubt about the uniform and presentation code, please check first with the tutor or Head of House before buying a new item or having a particular hairstyle. Repeated defiance of College rules may lead to exclusion.
Please note that summer uniform can be worn after the Easter break. The College polo shirt may be worn in place of the shirt and tie.
Purchasing Uniform
All branded items of uniform can be purchased exclusively from our uniform supplier, Stevensons. These are the College blazer, the house tie and the College jumper (this is optional).
There are branded items of PE kit which can also be purchased exclusively Stevensons. However, these are optional and non- branded alternatives are listed in the PE kit list.
The College has a preferred skirt which can be purchased from Stevensons. However, skirts from other retailers are acceptable but must comply with the style and length requirement. The skirt is ‘A’ line and pleated.
All other items of uniform can be purchased from any high street retailer and/or supermarket as long as they meet the requirements.
Stevensons telephone: 01727 815700 or visit their website:
They also provide free delivery to the College once a week for orders placed online or on the phone.
Second-Hand Uniform
The PTFA also run a Second Hand Uniform Shop. The shop raises funds for the PTFA to support the school and also helps parents by providing good quality pre-loved uniform at a more affordable price. You can drop donations into school reception anytime.
To buy second hand uniform, please email D-McCaslin@garthhillcollege.com
- College blazer with badge
- College tie (house colour)
- White shirt
- Black leather or leather type shoes
- Dark grey/black trousers or dark grey/black College skirt
- College polo shirt (Summer Term only)
- Formal tailored dark grey/black shorts - optional (Summer Term only)
- College jumpers are optional
Blazer: A College blazer must be worn at all times (including summer uniform) unless a member of staff has given permission for it to be removed in the classroom. Blazers must be worn smartly and sleeves must not be rolled up.
Ties: Ties must be knotted over the top button of the shirt and must be worn to the waistline. Summer uniform does not require a tie to be worn.
Shirts: Shirts must be long enough to be worn tucked into the waistband of trousers or skirts. Pupils must not wear short, fitted or shaped shirts or blouses. Shirts must be worn appropriately and sleeves must not be rolled up.
Shoes: Black formal leather shoes or leather type shoes are to be worn with heels or soles of no more than 5cms in height. There should be no advertising logos visible. Trainers are not permitted without a note from a medical source. Canvas shoes, boots and sandals are not acceptable for health and safety reasons.
In order to maintain our high standards of dress and presentation, we have purchased some black leather type shoes in a variety of sizes for pupils. If your child is not wearing the correct footwear and does not have a valid medical reason, they will be asked to wear a pair of ‘Garth Hill’ shoes for the day. The shoes will be sprayed with a disinfectant spray after use (Bowling Alley style).
Trousers: Trousers should be formal and business like. They must be straight legged with a waistband. Tight fitting, flared, slitted, cropped, cut off or decorated trousers or leggings, jeans, chinos or hipsters are not permitted.
Skirts: The College has a preferred skirt which must be worn at a length appropriate for an educational setting. Skirts from other retailers are acceptable but must comply with the style and length requirement. The skirt is ‘A’ line and pleated. Straight skirts or skirts with splits are not permitted.
Jumpers: College jumpers are optional but a blazer must be worn at all times. They must not be tucked into the waistband of the skirt/trousers.
Socks/Tights: Socks must be plain black, white or grey. Socks should be ankle length or longer but must not be worn over the knee. Tights must be neutral, plain, black or grey with no patterns.
Belts: Belts must be plain, black and narrow in width. Buckles must also be plain and unobtrusive.
Coats: A sensible coat should be worn for bad weather, but is not to be worn in the classroom. Hoodies, tracksuit tops, denim, corduroy and leather coats are not permitted. Scarves and coats should be removed before entering the ‘school’ blocks.
Bags: All pupils must carry a bag. The bag must be suitable for carrying exercise and text books of an A4 size without causing damage.
Hair: Hair should be neat and formal in appearance without extreme of length or style. Hair should be natural in colour. It must be no shorter than a Grade 2 and without steps, lines or patterns. For reasons of health and safety, long hair must be tied back.
Makeup: Makeup should be discreet and natural in colour, including nail varnish. Nails should be short and appropriate for an educational environment. False eyelashes and false nails (acrylics/gels) are not permitted.
Jewellery: Pupils may wear a wristwatch and a maximum of one small signet ring and one necklace (worn under the shirt). Earrings must be plain and only one small stud per ear lobe is allowed. Earrings are not permitted in any other part of the ear. Bracelets are not permitted. Any facial piercings (including, but not limited to, tongue studs, eyebrow, nose, lip) are not allowed. One charity band is acceptable. No other items of jewellery are permitted.
Parents/Carers are advised that when a pupil fails to comply with the College’s uniform and presentation code, detentions will be set. Additionally, the College reserves the right to either isolate or send home a pupil whose dress and presentation is completely unacceptable. In this instance, parents/carers will be contacted in advance.
In line with the College’s Behaviour Policy, the uniform and presentation code applies when pupils are en route to and from College or when representing the College at any other time. If in doubt about the uniform and presentation code, please check first with the Form Tutor or Head of House before buying a new item or having a particular hairstyle. Repeated defiance of College rules may lead to exclusion.
All Pupils
- 1 plain white polo shirt (GHC logo optional)
- 1 black rugby shirt or 1 GHC Sweatshirt or plain black sweatshirt
- 1 pair of plain black shorts or black skort
- 1 pair of plain black tracksuit bottoms
- 1 pair white sports socks
- 1 pair black football socks
- 1 pair of Astroturf/3G trainers
- 1 pair of rugby/football boots
PE Kit that is NOT permitted
- No gloves
- No leggings
- No hooded tops of any kind
- No hats
- No jewellery
- No coloured clothing under PE kit
- No lycra/cycling shorts
- No coloured socks
Advisable Items
- Shin Pads and Gum Shield
Tools for Learning
All pupils are expected to arrive on time and be fully equipped for lessons.
You must have the following items:
- Pens (Blue/Black and Green) x2 Pencils
- Ruler
- Calculator
- Planner
- Reading Book
- School Bag
All pupils will receive a planner on the first day of the academic term.
It would also be useful to have:
- Pencil sharpener
- Rubber / eraser
- Coloured pencils
- Highlighters
All items should be stored in a pencil case.