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Garth Hill College

Standards and Expectations

We have had a very positive start to the academic year. Our aim is to ensure ‘excellence as standard’ and create a calm, purposeful environment which enables pupils and staff to maximise learning time and feel safe and secure at school. The majority of students look extremely smart and are following the Seven Habits and Behaving Impeccably every day. Assemblies this week have focused on reiterating our high expectations, working hard and aiming high.


Students have also been reminded of the College’s expectations on uniform.

The College’s Code of Dress and Presentation very clearly set out our expectations – go to garthhillcollege.com/Pupils/Uniform-and-Presentation/. However, we would like to draw your attention to a few points of clarification:

Skirts: The College has a preferred skirt which is ‘A’ line and pleated. Skirts from other retailers are acceptable but must comply with the style and length requirement. Straight skirts or skirts with splits are not permitted. Please note that skirts should be an appropriate length for an educational setting and the waistband must not be turned up.

Shoes: In order to maintain our high standards of dress and presentation, we have purchased some black leather type shoes in a variety of sizes for pupils. If your child is not wearing the correct footwear and does not have a valid medical reason, they will be asked to wear a pair of ‘Garth Hill’ shoes for the day. The shoes will be sprayed with a disinfectant spray after use (Bowling Alley style).

Other items that are not permitted:

  • Hoodies and tracksuits - pupils should have a suitable outdoor coat
  • False eyelashes and false nails (acrylics/gels)
  • Any facial piercings (including, but not limited to, tongue studs, eyebrow, nose, lip)
  • Leggings
  • Trainers – only with a note from a medical source.
  • Chewing gum and energy drinks are prohibited – only water is permitted in class.

Uniform detentions will continue this school year, but we would much rather students wear correct uniform and avoid detentions. Please do not hesitate to contact the College directly if you are experiencing difficulties purchasing certain items or if you are experiencing genuine economic hardship. In such cases, we will always try to work with you to help ensure that your son/daughter is wearing correct college uniform.

If you are in any doubt about any aspect of our expectations or if you have a particular issue relating to your child’s uniform, please contact their Form Tutor. The College’s PTFA also sell items of second hand uniform and we also have a limited supply of second-hand uniform that can be accessed by contacting our Family Support Adviser, Mrs S Richmond at s-richmond@garthhillcollege.com.


Mobile Phones

This is a reminder that mobile phones or digital devices must not be used, seen or heard during the school day. Phones must be switched off and out of sight before entering the building and can only be switched after leaving the building.



Parents/carers have access to their child’s positive and negative points on ClassCharts. We very much value parental support in working in partnership to address any issues to ensure that students receive the appropriate intervention to meet their needs. If you need any support with ClassCharts, please contact your child’s form tutor or Main Reception.

Finally, we thank you for your support and wish all our students a very positive and successful term.

Mrs Powell

Vice Principal