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Garth Hill College

Sir Robert McAlpine Construction Site Visit

Year 11 students Alfie, Jed, Kobi, Tajus and Joel got to visit a construction site last week and upon arrival were given a presentation about the company, Sir Robert McAlpine (SRM). They had a talk from one of the international Managers who overseas every project. He told them that he started from the bottom of the company, sweeping up the dirt, to running the international projects. There were more examples of people who worked on site and how they got there, whether through apprenticeships, college courses or through the “learn and earn” programme (working for four days and the company pays for their college course one day a week).

They then had a tour of the site and talked with the different contractors, discussing how they got into their specific line of work. Everyone was really accommodating and talked in depth about their careers and the steps they took to get there as well as explaining the different skills it took to build the building.

SRM are keen to take on more apprenticeships and encouraged them to look on their website (Explore Opportunities With Us - Sir Robert McAlpine (srm.com)) to look for opportunities as well as offering to Garth Hill and have further talks with anyone who was not able to attend the visit.

A great day was had by all and the students got an excellent view of the potential careers they are looking to pursue!