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Garth Hill College

Kindness and Upstander Awards

The Anti Bullying Council, with the support of the SOSL council, have been working towards gaining the inclusion badge from the Diana Award.

Council members have worked really hard to meet the criteria and are in the final stages of collating the evidence to present to the Diana Awards.

Working to gain the inclusion badge has seen council members conducting surveys, presenting to the Senior Leadership team, and delivering training to staff. The ABC and SOSL council will share further updates after the Easter Break.

As part of the continuing work by the ABC and SOSL councils, Kindness and Upstander awards have been added to Class Charts.

Here are the winners of this term's Kindness and Upstander awards.

Brownlow House

7B1: Casey Norris

7B2: Nithuli Perera

8B2: Eliza Earl

8BR: Dylan Woodley

9B1: Mia Fleming

9B2: Harry Atack

10B1: Claudia De Sousa

11B2: Chloe Salmon

Fielden House

7F1: Paige Edwards

8F1: David Adeyoka

8F2: Oscar Angliss -Henry

9F1: Jacob Young

9FR: Reece Powell

10F2: Amber Van Zyl

11F1: Jack Davis

11F2: Miya Gray

Haversham House

7H2: Swara Jadhav

8H2: Luca Matmija

9H1: Alen Koickai Tiju

10H2: Sophia Biggins

11H1: Jason Hodd

Lawrence House

7L1: Sam Pritchard

8L1: Dolores Sackey

9L1: Warrick Coleman

10L1: Marcus Rooks

10LR: Rhysy Weaving

11L3: Hackman Boakye