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Garth Hill College

Schools Award Competition 2024

Bracknell Forest have a brand new inter-school competition for 2024. They will award an Eco School of the Year trophy to the most improved primary and secondary schools in June 2024. From 1st November 2023 to 31st May 2024, they will be monitoring the number of active participants, total green miles, and points earned by each school.

The winning school will be the one with steadily increasing numbers of members registered and growing number of journeys reported each month. This will reflect sustained behaviour change. Every school has a chance to win, and the best part is, it'll help raise awareness about climate change and promote healthy habits.

Eco Rewards will be announcing a major achievement award for the 2022-23 academic year and will continue having regular prize draws and issuing certificates.

The winner of the competition will be determined by calculating and summing the percentage improvement in three areas: active participants, points, and green miles. The school with the most significant overall growth in these three measures will be declared the winner. The baseline for measuring growth will be the applicable data for each school between September 1st and October 31st, 2023. All journeys will be included, but only participants with over 2500 points will be counted. The six least active schools will start with the same average baseline measures.