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Garth Hill College

Applying for a Secondary School place – September 2025

Parent  / carers of Year 6 children are now be able to apply for a secondary school place (for Year 7, September 2025) via their home local authority.


Bracknell Forest Residents

The application process for admission to secondary school (Year 7, September 2025) begins on 12 September 2024 and you can make your application for your child to transfer to secondary school from this date by visiting www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/applyforsecondary

The closing date for applications is 31 October 2024 and the online site for applications will close on this date.

Before you make your application;

This Guide, and further information can be found on the Bracknell Forest website using the link above. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact School Admissions for further advice.

If you will not be applying, as you have made alternative arrangements for your child’s Secondary Education e.g., private or home education then please inform The School Admissions Team of these arrangements.


Non Bracknell Forest Residents

If you are not a Bracknell Forest resident, then you will need to contact your home local authority for information on how to apply for a secondary school place. You must make your application to your home local authority no matter what school you wish to apply for.

i.e., if you wish to apply for Bracknell Forest Schools then these schools must be named as preferences on your application to your home local authority.

Thank you,

School Admissions Team 
