Key Stage 4 Options 2024
Key Stage 4 options information for year 9 students and parents/carers is provided below, including links to the Key Stage 4 Options Handbook (view the interactive flipping book or download the PDF) and options presentation.
Key Stage 4 Options Handbook 2024
Click on the handbook below to view (opens a new browser window).
Download the KS4 Options Handbook here >>
Key Stage 4 Options - Narrated Presentation (below)
KS4 Options Presentation - Pupils >>
The Key Stage 4 Options Handbook contains information about the key stage 4 curriculum, the options process and details of the subjects available to students in years 10 and 11. There is also useful advice for students to assist them in making decision.
In summary, at key stage 4, all students will study compulsory subjects:
English, mathematics, science, PE, PSHE (Citizenship) and religious education.
Students are required to choose optional subjects to study alongside these subjects. Students are guided to a pathway to ensure an appropriate route. In summary:
- Blue Pathway: includes the study of the compulsory subjects; technology, a modern Language (French, German or Spanish), two option subjects, study of GCSE Citizenship for early entry at the end of year 10 and the opportunity to study GCSE Further Maths in year 11.
- White Pathway: includes the study of the compulsory subjects; technology; three option subjects (students may still opt to study a modern language).
Some students may be advised to opt for Study Support and/or alternative courses instead of one or more options.
Key Stage 4 Options Timeline
- Monday 4 March: Key Stage 4 Options Launch
- Tuesday 5 March onwards: Student reflection in tutor and taster sessions
- Monday 11 March: Subject Marketplace, 4.30pm-6.00pm in the Inner Link
- Wednesday 20 and Monday 25 March: Year 9 parents' evenings
- Thursday 28 March: Options form submission deadline
Parents/carers should have received a letter (by end of week beginning 4 March) that includes information on their son’s/daughter’s recommended pathway. More information about the pathways can be found in the Options Handbook.