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Garth Hill College

Home Learning

Time to be spent on Home Learning

All years

30 minutes each day on personal reading of literature, magazines or newspapers.

Years 7 and 8

English, Maths and Science: 30 minutes per week

Foundation Subjects: 30 minutes per fortnight

PE: Set when appropriate

Years 9, 10 and 11

English, Maths and Science: 60 minutes per week

Option Subjects: 60 minutes per fortnight

PE: Set when appropriate

6th Form

Approximately one hour of home learning for each lesson.

All tasks will be recorded as an assignment on Microsoft Teams. Pupils and parents/carers can access this from home. Pupils can also record that home learning has been set and the due date in their planners if they wish. This could include:

  • A task to consolidate learning from the lesson
  • A task to extend the learning form the lesson
  • A task to broaden the learning beyond what has been covered in the lesson

 Tasks could include:

  • Completing in-depth tasks started in classes e.g. an extended a piece of writing.
  • Preparing a speech on a specific topic
  • Demonstration of a skill or concept
  • Reading and related tasks to demonstrate understanding
  • Interviews
  • Drawing or art work
  • Controlled assessment preparation or planning
  • Grammar hammer style activities to support RATL
  • Revision tasks e.g. practice questions
  • Preparation for the next lesson
  • Making notes after watching a television programme
  • Structured project work