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Garth Hill College

Art and Design

Garth Hill Art Department believes that an Art and Design curriculum is essential to the cultural well-being of our students. Through the observation and exploration of the visual, they can gain a greater understanding of the world that they live in. Students are enabled to become independent learners through an engaging and challenging curriculum which aims to equip students with the knowledge to develop their creative ability. The chance for children to express themselves creatively is highly valued and encourages our students to become resourceful, innovative and creative adults.

Subject Leaders:  Mr Hall and Mrs Saunders

If you have any queries or concerns, please email m-hall@garthhillcollege.com or j-saunders@garthhillcollege.com

YEAR 7, 8 and 9

All year 9 pupils at GHC get the opportunity to work towards a Level 1 Bronze Arts Award in their Art, Drama and Music lessons. 

Pupils will complete the 4 parts of the Arts Award in their lessons and will build a portfolio of work. Through this they will create and participate in arts activities, experience arts events and explore the work of artists, gain 21st century skills for success in education and employment, develop leadership skills through practical involvement and investigate arts careers.  

Further information about the arts award can be found at the link below:

Arts Award


Each Year group will explore and create work in response to certain themes.

  • Year 7 will explore the theme ‘Our Environment.’

  • Year 8 will explore the theme ‘Identity.’

  • Year 9 will explore the theme ‘Our World’.

Each scheme of work is centred around the development of the basic art skills of the pupil; essentially their control and understanding of the key elements of art which are:

  • line
  • tone
  • texture
  • colour
  • shape
  • form
  • pattern
  • space

Contextual research and the analysis of relevant artists’ work is taught to prepare pupils for their GCSE studies.


Each project is assessed through the sketchbook work and each final outcome. Skills are assessed at different review points and pupils review their work and set personal targets for improvement.

Home Learning

Home Learning is set regularly. We recommend that pupils spend at least 40 minutes per task and that they practise their drawing skills at home.

How Parents and Carers Can Support

  • Encourage your child to look at art from western and non-western cultures
  • Assistance with library and Internet use for research
  • Encourage them to attend Art Catch up sessions
  • Encourage your child to ask teachers for help if there are any difficulties
  • Please ensure that home learning is completed on time

Reading List

The following resources should be seen as a guide to some of the materials that pupils might find useful:

Assessment Framework - Key Stage 3

Art Assessment Framework - Key Stage 3

Assessment Schedule

Assessment Schedule - Year 7

Assessment Schedule - Year 8

Assessment Overview - Year 9

Knowledge Organisers - Year 7 and 8

Knowledge Organisers - Year 7 and 8

YEAR 10 and 11

Exam Board and syllabus code

AQA 8201 - Art and Design (Art, Craft and Design)


The Art and Design course enables candidates to make a personal response to their own experiences, environment and culture in both their practical and theoretical studies. It also provides opportunities to develop skills and understanding through practical experience of the role, purpose and function of art in society.

Component 1 - Portfolio: This must include at least TWO of the titles listed below covering the full range of Assessment Objectives.

Component 2 - External Assignment: This is an externally set question paper. This must show evidence of areas of study drawn from one or more of the titles.



The exams and non-exam assessment will measure how pupils have achieved the following assessment objectives.

  • AO1 – Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
  • AO2 – Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
  • AO3 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
  • AO4 – Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

Pupils are continually assessed using the following methods:

  • End of unit assessments
  • Portfolio evidence in the form of sketchbooks and final outcome
  • Mock examination, peer and self-assessment
  • Home learning tasks.

Home Learning

Pupils are set an hour home learning task each week. Tasks are designed to extend contextual knowledge and develop practical skills. Artist research can be completed using the internet at home or in the College’s Learning Resource Centre. Home learning can be completed in Art Catch up sessions.

Assessment Schedules

Assessment Overview - Year 10

Assessment Overview - Year 11

Knowledge Organisers

KS4 Knowledge Organiser