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Garth Hill College

Applying to University

Please read the guidelines below outlining the application process for Higher Education. The guidelines will steer you through the UCAS process.

1. Applications for full time undergraduates are made electronically through UCAS Students can apply for up to five courses, although applications for medicine and veterinary medicine are limited to four. Individual universities will not see the students other choices.

2. Students will need to register with UCAS to begin their application. Students should apply by the given deadlines. They will be asked to give their own username and password which they will use each time they log on to UCAS.

3. Students complete their application electronically on the UCAS website.

4. The sections are self explanatory and easy to follow i.e. personal details (address, telephone number) UCAS will allocate a unique UCAS number which must be quoted with any communications with UCAS.

5. Students will need their unique learner number which is available from Mrs O'Dwyer (a-odwyer@garthhillcollege.com). 

6. You will need the university (institution) codes as well as the course codes. You will find the codes in the university prospectus which are available online as well as hard copies which are available in the silent study area.

7. Students should ask subject tutors or heads of department for internal subject references. They can ask for more than one subject reference if they choose. The internal reference is completed on Unifrog.

8. Students will be given predicted grades in September following the AS results. They must declare all examinations taken (GCSE, AS , A level) including dates.

9. A personal statement must be written in support of the application. Students should use Unifrog to write their personal statement. This must be checked for approval by the Head of Sixth Form before it is included in the final application.

10. Applications for Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry must reach UCAS by the given deadline. Therefore personal statements must be approved by the Head of Sixth Form in plenty of time.

11. All other applications must reach UCAS by the January deadline. However we would strongly advise against such late applications. Competition for university places are fierce and popular courses will be allocated quickly. To avoid disappointment applications should be sent to UCAS by the given deadline. Any applications received late will not be considered.

UCAS/GH6 Timeline 2024-25