'A' Level Psychology
Psychology is the science of human behaviour and the brain. Students study eleven units across the two years and complete three A Level exams in Year 13. All assessment is examination-based.
Course Details
Year 1:
Introduction to Psychology
- Memory
- Attachment
- Social Influence
- Psychopathology (depression, OCD and phobias)
Psychology in Context
- Approaches in Psychology (learning, cognitive and biological perspectives)
- Biopsychology
- Research Methods (double unit)
Year 2:
Issues and Options in Psychology
- Issues and Debates in Psychology
- Forensics
- Gender
- Schizophrenia
What do I need to study A Level Psychology?
- It is recommended that you have a Grade 6 in English and Mathematics, as 10% of A Level Psychology is comprised of Maths skills and you will be required to write essays explaining and evaluating psychological theory.
- The ability to read material critically and evaluate it thoughtfully
- Ability to research and revise independently
- Confidence with handling data and using simple statistical information
- Genuine enthusiasm to explore human thinking and behaviour from different perspectives
- Above all, Psychology requires a strong work ethic and ability to study independently
Where can A Level Psychology take me?
The study of psychology is relevant to many careers outside the specialised field of Psychology, such as teaching, social work, the armed forces and police, childcare, advertising and marketing, journalism, public relations, medical careers and legal services.
Professional careers in Psychology include teaching and research, psychotherapy, clinical psychology, counselling, health, forensics, occupational and educational psychology.